Friday, June 6, 2008

A day late...

My friend Dani did HER Thursday Thirteen and I didn't do mine! YIKES!'s my Thursday Thirteen a day late!

13 things I should be doing right now instead of sitting here blogging:

1. Dishes.

2. Laundry.

3. Clearing the dining room table so we could actually use it for "dining".

4. Sorting toys & clothes to pass on or get rid of.

5. Sweeping.

6. Mopping.

7. Cleaning the bathrooms--they are GROSS!

8. Trying to figure out why the bank thinks Mark's debit card was used by someone else when we've told them, more than once, all charges are accurate. As of right now, its still frozen and we can't use it. We are out of checks, too, so we are down to using cash only. Not necessarily a BAD thing, just annoying.

9. Figuring out what we want to eat for dinner tonight. I made a menu, now I just need to pick something.

10. Cleaning out the microwave--something spilled over and died in it. Its SO NASTY.

11. Potting some plants I bought.

12. Cleaning the bird pooh off our back deck. Ugh.



RenoGamma said...

Lani, when you are done with that list at your house you can come to mine to complete it here. Except, I'll be the one doing the napping.

Mel G. said...

Hey Lani, Mel Glu. here. Got to yours from Dani's. So nice to catch up and see a bit of your life. CUTE kids, of course. So sorry to read about Mar's Mom. Hope your mom is doing well after that. Good to see you looking so good and sounding so Mom like! Way to go!