Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just because its cool...

I took this picture of my friend, Christy. Its on the windshield of my car and made me smile! I think she's beautiful AND I think its a cool picture for an "accident". It was totally random after a girls afternoon out of ice skating and dessert for a friend's birhday.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Meeting me where I'm at...

The past couple of weeks have been busy and hectic and pure chaos. I'm weary and drained but in the midst of it, finding my way into The Father's lap.

I have friends going through struggles. I have children trying to get well. I have a husband teaching and leading children and influencing their lives and trying to manage to get through to Spring Break (this next week! WAHOO!). I have in-laws trying to find their way in caring for an aging parent--my husband's grandfather who is close to his heart. I have my own schedule to contend with and a new house to put together and the regular ins and outs of life--laundry, dishes, appointments, etc...

In the middle of all of this there is a disconnect between me and God. I've surrounded myself with music about Him, with His word and am trying to figure out where that disconnect is. In the process of finding that disconnect I was reminded of Psalm 139. This particular Psalm has always found a way to speak to my heart. To my soul. Its who I am. Its how I find my way back to God over and over again. It holds my life verse (Psalm 139:14) and is my CONSTANT reminder that God knows me to the very core. Knows me better than I know myself. He knows where the disconnect is and will meet me where I'm at if I will simply have Him. He'll pick up the pieces I've dropped and hand them back to me. He'll hold me and rock me.

I also had a friend--no, a man who loves me like his own child--pray over me and tell me to read Psalm 84 and to focus on verses 1-5.

"How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living god. Even the sparrow has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself where she may lay her young--even Your altars, O Lord of hosts, My King and My God. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You. Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage." ~Psalm 84:1-5 NKJV

And so I sit and read that and I'm halfway there. My heart does cry out for the living god. Now if the flesh would follow and cave and let God be the god of my heart and my life...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Urgent Care Take 2!

We ended up back at urgent care with Andrew last night and came home with stronger antibiotics.

What started out as a double ear infection, a sinus infection and early stages of pneumonia has turned into blisters on his ear drums that have caused an infection to spread to his eyes, throat, tummy and bladder. Another 24-48 hours and we would have had to drain his ears and his throat & mouth would have been coated in blisters.

Here we are waiting on test results...

A little fishy face action!

And some peek-a-boo!

Even feelin' like pooh, he makes me laugh.

Now we're taking stronger antibiotics and using pro-biotics to replace the good stuff the anti-biotics are getting rid of along the way. Here's hoping this is it!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Really? REALLY?

Reasons to call your chiropractor:

1. Your back hurts. Duh.

2. Your legs, arms, ankles...whatever, hurts.

3. Headaches/migraines.

4. Food sensitivies (yeah--they do that, too).

5. Orthotics Fitting.

Reasons NOT to call your chiropractor:

How do I choose an egg plant?

Yes...I did receive that call yesterday. A patient called and said they were at the grocery store trying to figure out how to choose a ripe egg plant and could I please ask the doctor what they should be looking for?

"He's with a patient..."

"Can you interrupt? Its just a simple quick answer..."

"No...he's with a patient but let me put on hold and check with someone else..."

Thank God for google.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Weekend Whirlwind!

We are moved! As in, we have all of our belongings moved from the apartment into the house. MOVED IN? Maybe not...

We were so blessed to have so much help and it was great! We got everything out of the apartment and into the house by 3, took care of a few things, went down to Corvallis for an evening church service with my mom, headed back up to Canby and crashed out at about 11:30 that night. Mark woke up at 2 AM throwing up and was either running for the bathroom or flat on his back all day Sunday. The kiddos were with his parents, which was a HUGE blessing to us. Mark was able to get rest while I ran back and forth between apartment and house cleaning, unpacking, cleaning some more, running some errands, cleaning some more, unpacking some more and doing my best to get it all done. I managed to get the apartment cleaned and keys turned in at 10:45 Sunday night. The kids' shared room was semi-put together for when they arrived with Nana.

Nana and the kiddos arrived, we managed to get them in bed and I went back to the apartment to finish things up.

Yay for being moved! Pictures soon...I work all week, so it might be until later.