Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The one with "the routine"

Well, life *should* be settling down a little in the next couple of weeks. Mark is back in the classroom (inservice this week; kiddos start next week)and my hours at the clinic will drop back to part time next week. Our kiddos will be in daycare two and a half days a week while I'm at work. I will be glad to be at home with them a little more but I'm also excited to still be working and excited for them to be in daycare for a little while. Its good for them to socialize and learn to cope with other personalities and other authority figures.

Not much else to report. Life is pretty not exciting these days. Just busy. I'll have some fun pictures to post pretty soon after the kids and I spend some time with my grandpa next week. Other than that, we are getting ourselves back into the school year routine. The summer was fun and good for us, but so is the routine of life during Mark's regular schedule. There is a little bit of comfort in knowing at least a little bit of what each day holds.

On a side note, I went running this morning and was pretty proud of myself--I finished my loop at the driveway and checked my watch and realized I had run what normally takes 25 minutes in 18:39. WAHOO! Time to start adding a little more distance to that loop.

Okay--bad Lani. I am actually at work and should be prepping files. HA!


The Beaver Bunch said...

I think God is trying to tell me something. Almost every blog I go to, someone talks about running. I've never been much of a runner (you know, unless I'm being chased with a sharp object) but lately I've had the desire.

Guess we'll see....

Nikki said...

It always feel good to have a routine. I hope we can find some time to get together. I miss you!