Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday 13

13 random thoughts I've had today:

1. Karla (I work with her) is totally nuts. But she brings me cokes and makes me smile. I love it!

2. I went for a run this morning and it was great! However, it felt like work today so, at the time, I thought it sucked.

3. Mmmm...Peanut M&M's make my day.

4. Staff meetings can be dull. However, with the staff I work with, they can also make me laugh. HA!

5. My husband is awesome. I love him mucho!

6. I miss Shelley. She used to work with me at the clinic. But she doesn't anymore and that makes me sad.

7. I heard there was an accident at the intersection outside our office. My first thought: OOOO! Let's take them some business cards from the clinic and see if they want to come for an appointment!

8. I am happy to have the ENTIRE day off tomorrow. No working. Nada.

9. I am done working at the church on Sundays so now I just have to worry about Saturdays. I will miss it, but its a good thing for me.

10. Hulsey made me laugh so hard Coke came out my nose today. But he didn't know. HA!

11. My eyes hurt. But its my own fault. Not enough food, not enough water and too much caffeine today. That would the story of my life!

12. Hartwell makes me smile because if you ask him to pray about something, he'll drop (almost) everything and pray with you right then. That makes it a great place to work!

13. I am blessed. Mucho mucho blessed by so much and so many.

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