Friday, March 6, 2009

Really? REALLY?

Reasons to call your chiropractor:

1. Your back hurts. Duh.

2. Your legs, arms, ankles...whatever, hurts.

3. Headaches/migraines.

4. Food sensitivies (yeah--they do that, too).

5. Orthotics Fitting.

Reasons NOT to call your chiropractor:

How do I choose an egg plant?

Yes...I did receive that call yesterday. A patient called and said they were at the grocery store trying to figure out how to choose a ripe egg plant and could I please ask the doctor what they should be looking for?

"He's with a patient..."

"Can you interrupt? Its just a simple quick answer..."

"No...he's with a patient but let me put on hold and check with someone else..."

Thank God for google.


Mikaila said...

They asked you to INTERRUPT to find out the answer??

Thank God for Google is right. :)

Jason said...

Hey Alaina,

It is Jason Hower! I blog-stock you every once in a while. I wanted to make sure you knew of the facebook discussion floating around about a reunion. It would be great to see you and meet your kids! drop me a line if you want more info!

RenoGamma said...

Okay, I hate to sound, ahhh, stupid is not the right word, ahhh, maybe not connected to the language of a chiropractor, but what is orthodics? Okay, never mind, gimpajon just told me the answer.

The Beaver Bunch said...

hahahaha. Maybe she said "Implant."

Are you sure?