Sunday, July 29, 2007

The summer goes so quickly...

I have been entirely too spoiled this Summer. God was (and contiues to be) gracious to me when it comes to my kiddos and my husband. Tori was a surprise, but she couldn't have been timed any better if we had tried! She was born right at the end of Mark's school year which means Mark has been home all summer with me. He plays with Andrew nonstop while I'm nursing or changing or playing with Tori. We trade off now and then and I get some quality time with my boy while Mark gets a little face time with Tori. Very rarely do I end up with both kids on my own. The house is a mess right now because we're packing, but, other than "moving clutter" it's clean; only because I have help. I'm WAY out of practice of being at home all day without him here. The next several weeks are going to be exciting, but are also going to be a huge adjustment for us. Andrew will have to adjust to not having his wrestling/tag/baseball/coloring/reading/everything buddy home all day every day. I'll have to adjust to taking care of Tori with one eye and one ear on Andrew. And, no doubt, Tori will have to adjust to a little more "crying it out" than she's used to. But it's exciting because Mark is starting a new job at a new school and we're moving into a new apartment (with a dishwasher! Wahooo!!) closer to family (free babysitting! Wahoooo!) and friends (play-dates and a real social life! Wahoooo!!). Plus, we'll get back into our day-to-day routine...whatever that may be. While the summer has been nice, I think we're all ready to move on.

1 comment:

Mikaila said...

I'm so excited for you guys!!!