Monday, July 30, 2007

Yay for Tori being healthy! Boo for getting Shots!

Tori had her 2-month well baby visit this morning. We are happy, healthy, chubby and in pain from receiving four shots. She handled them pretty well, but its still no fun to hold your baby down while the nurses poke them with needles. The up side? She will probably sleep a little more than usual today. Yay for sleeping babies!

When we arrived at the doctor's office, Andrew walked into the waiting area, looked around and said, "Doctor?" Mark confirmed, yes, we were at the doctor's office. Andrew proceeded to inform Mark he didn't want to be there. "No!! No!!" Mark reassured him we weren't there for him, but for Tori. He decided that was fine; better her than him! I guess that means when it really is his turn, I'm going to have to fight to get him through the door. *sigh* Oh well!


Anonymous said...

What a smart kid. I was never thrilled to go to the doctors office either. My parents had to start preparing me for it about 4 days in advance.

Glad to hear Tori's all healthy! 4 days until I get to see you! Wahoo! :)

Melody C. Bondurant said...

It was fun to see you leave a comment on my blog. I see that you're moving...are you headed back to Corvalis?
How old is your little one. I remember hearing you were pregnant, but wasn't sure when she was born.
Many Blessings!