Monday, December 31, 2007

It's that time of year again!

I guess I'm supposed to make some kind of New Year's Resolutions...

There's always the typical ones:
1. Get Organized
2. Read more, watch less TV
3. Get in shape
4. Eat healthier foods

Those are all good things, but I think I want to focus more on the kiddos. Let's talk about Andrew watching less TV. He doesn't actually watch that much when you compare him to other kids, but he watches more than I would like. SO...we will be limiting his TV time and working more on other activities. We'll work on him learning some of his letters and more numbers in the next few months--he's got a few figured out, but I guess I'm hoping to get him in it a little more. He'll be starting preschool in the fall which we are WAY excited about. Can't wait for all those little projects to come home and all those little friends to come over and play! Such fun!

Tori? We'll just work on getting her to sleep through the night! SHEESH! As soon as we get something figured out, something else comes along. First she was constipated and then she was teething and then she got an ear infection and the meds they put her on made her constipated again and now she's got more teeth (SIX!!) coming in. *sigh* I swear this kid won't be sleeping through the night before her first birthday.

For myself? Organization and better house keeping. I guess. For now, anyway. We'll see what other stuff comes up between now and tomorrow morning.

In the mean time, I hope everyone has a great new years! Be safe!

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