Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sock Of The Day Part II

Those of you that have known Andrew his entire life know that his first "security object" was a sock. Every morning after Mark left for classes or work, I would pull a load of laundry out of the dryer to fold on the couch. Andrew would come over, pilfer through it and pull a single sock out for the day. That single sock would go EVERYWHERE with us. I actually tried (only once!) to take it from him before heading into the grocery store. He, eventually, grew out of that phase and Tori has grown into it. Every day this week I have pulled laundry out to fold and she has chosen a sock for herself to cuddle with. Here are Monday's pictures...


Carina said...

I love the shirt!

Mikaila said...

Awe! I totally remember Andrew and his sock phase - it is so funny that Tori does it too. :o)