Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's That Time of Year Again!

We spent Sunday afternoon with Andrew at Urgent Care. He was having trouble breathing and his cough (compliments of a kickin' flu virus that causes vomiting for 24 hours and ends with a chest cold) was getting worse. His chest x-rays came back clear, so we were sent home with the typical, "rest, fluids, inhaler" instructions. We were also told that, yes, the cold had settled in his chest and could possibly turn into Pneumonia. If he spiked a new fever in the next week, we needed to do head back in for another x-ray.

Yesterday (Tuesday) I got a call from my daycare lady saying she was headed into the hospital herself for extreme abdominal and back pain, could we come get the kids? So, after doing some shuffling at work, I headed over and picked them up. After we got home, I realized both kiddos were a little on the cranky/sluggish/not-like-themselves side. So I cuddled with them and, sure enough, they both felt warm. Checked their temps and we were headed to the doc for more x-rays on Andrew and a peek at Tori's ears.

We headed home last night with antibiotics for both kiddos. Double ear infections all around! And Andrew has a touch of the beginning stages of Pneumonia but his antibiotics should kick that in the process of kicking the ear infection.

Here's hoping and praying this is it for this year's round of cold/flu/Pneumonia!

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