Wednesday, February 11, 2009

They must be feeling better...

...because they're collaborating. I hear them playing and chatting in Andrew's room when Tori comes out and says, "Mommaaaaa! Brudder. Money in hand! Money. Hand. Brudder..." And the whole time she's pointing from one hand to the other and then pointing down the hall to Andrew's room.

I'm confused, but doing my best to follow when Andrew comes out and says, "Sister! What did she say? Did she give you money for my bank??"

You see, Andrew knows that if he finds spare change around the house, we let him have it for his piggy bank. He also knows that he's already asked me for any spare change today and I've told him not to ask again because I don't have anymore.

But he THINKS maybe if Tori asks, things will change.

1 comment:

gimpajon aka Hubby Honey said...

Could this be the next generation of "No you go ask" Like mother like brother like kids. Gottcha