Monday, April 13, 2009

Prayer with Andrew

The other night Mark & I instructed Andrew to eat at least a portion of all the things on his plate (standard rule at our house--you have to at least TRY everything). When he heard that, he informed Mark & I he would not.

He was spanked for being disrespectful and told otherwise.

He argued. We informed him of his options: sit there and eat warm dinner or sit there, let his dinner get cold and still have to eat it.

He argued some more. We walked away and left him in his seat at the table with his dinner in front of him.

After a little while I headed back into the kitchen to start cleaning up when I heard Andrew wimpering under his breath. I glanced over and saw him, head bowed and hands folded in front of him.

I heard him pray,

"Dear Jesus. Please just make it go away..."

I had to leave the room so he didn't hear or see me laugh.


Mikaila said...

HEE HEE HEE!! I love that boy SO MUCH! :D

Carrie said...

That. is. HILARIOUS! THank you so much! Needed the laugh!

Lisa Marie said...

what a cute guy! that literally made me laugh out loud. thanks for the chuckle :)