Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Big Boy Helper!

Andrew will often decide he doesn't want Daddy holding Tori ("Daddy, give Tori to cars with me...") or he'll let us know he needs a break from Tori ("Mom, I play here. Tori sit on blanket."). However, on occasion he'll decide he likes her and might even want her to be happy. Today is one of those days. All day today, if she has fussed or whimpered even a little bit, he has run to me and said, "Mommy! Baby crying! Pacifier! Bottle! Pick up!" He's come up with all sorts of suggestions about how to make her happy. I love watching him try to soothe her--he'll kneel down beside her on the blanket, rub her tummy and say, "Shhhh, baby, shhhhh" and offer her a pacifier. If that doesn't work, he'll find a rattle and try to play with her. He'll also try a game of peek-a-boo (his favorite). If that STILL doesn't work, he'll do his best to pick her up (supervised, of course) and bounce her on his lap. The best part, is that she adores him. She smiles and coos anytime he tries to play with her. I know they'll bicker and pick fights with eachother in the not-too-distant future, so I love watching these little moments of sibling peace.

Here's a picture of a little game of peek-a-boo...

1 comment:

Mikaila said...

Awe! Such a good big brother. :o)