13 reasons my job was insane yesterday:
1. The computers crashed for a few hours.
2. Both doctors were in and both doctors had FULL (completely booked, no openings) schedules.
3. For whatever reason, we had some time-slots double booked that doctors were not aware of (sometimes they'll authorize it knowing the situation, but not always. If they don't authorize the double booking, we're not supposed to do it).
4. Some patients were showing up late while others were showing up early. I sent three patients out to get a cup of coffee explaining two things to them: 1. The doctor was a hair late today ("hair" means approximately 20 minutes). 2. They were a "hair" early. If you do that math, you have about 40-45 minutes to wait. Go get a cup of coffee next door and wait it out.
5. The phones! The phones were INSANE! CONSTANT all day long. Other doctors calling. Patients calling. Family of patients calling trying to track down patients because of family emergencies. *sigh*
6. We had staff meeting. For almost two hours.
7. We are remodeling the office in June. In order to do that, we have to CLOSE the office for about 5-6 days. Patients are not happy about that. But they might be once we're open again and happier about the space we work in!
8. We are hiring a third chiropractor (because things aren't crazy enough!) and the potential newbie was observing (following the two currents docs around with their patients). I asked him, "So, have we scared you off yet?" He was adorable and sweet and said, "Not at all! I think in all this chaos you guys are doing great!" Nice guy. I think we should keep him.
9. Here's an idea of my craziness: I got a mocha and had to reheat it three times to get it down. That's just wrong. A mocha should not sit that long. Ugh.
10. To add to my WORK craziness, the kiddos had a weird day because Mark had a weird day (working late) so they went from daycare to home with Auntie Stace but didn't see us at all (SAD!!) and just adds to my mind going, going, going.
11. Because the computers were down, I couldn't pull & prep the next day's files. I couldn't enter services & payments which means I couldn't close out the day on the computer. After we got the computers back on track, It was time for staff meeting. Then I had to return calls and just maintain the day. Started pulling next days files at 4-ish. Started entering services & payments around 5:30 or 6.
12. For a while, my computer was the only one working. That means I had Chiropractic Assistants and billing staff using it whenever I wasn't on it. And I still had to answer the phone and stall until I could get back on it.
13. My last patient left around 8 PM. I finally closed out and got home after 8:30 PM. I ate dinner, kissed my sleeping babies and went to bed.