Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thursday Thirteen a day early because I'll be traveling all day tomorrow:

Thirteen fun facts about Andrew:

1. He is DEATHLY afraid of blowing his nose. I have no idea why.

2. His current favorite movie is "Aristocats". Before that, it was "101 Dalmations".

3. He always has to assign objects to people: We live in "Daddy's House" but we drive "Momma's Car." It's "Daddy's remote" but when we pull a DVD out of the DVD player, it's "Momma's Show."

4. His favorite thing in all the world is "Football"--his security blanket.

5. He knows when we are pulling into the Starbucks parking lot, we are getting coffee and when we pull into the 7-11 (or "Little Store") parking lot, we are getting Cokes.

6. He was walking before he was 8 months old.

7. His favorite person--above & beyond Mom & Dad--is his Auntie Stace.

8. He won't drink water unless its ice water. "I need ice in it, please!" He gets that from his mom.

9. He is incredibly ticklish.

10. He won't go to bed unless his room is COMPLETELY clean and in order. He gets that from his dad.

11. Anytime he gets his milk out of the fridge, he brings Tori her milk. He figures if he's thirsty, she must be, too! And he's usually right!

12. He loves to invite Tori into his room to play with him. "Sister! Come into my room with me!"

13. He turns THREE on Friday. And I still can't believe that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it either!! What's the deal with them growing up so fast?! Happy Birthday Drew-boy. :)