Monday, May 26, 2008

"Alllll Aboard!!!"

I was gone for Andrew's birthday so we sort of postponed it until today. Our original plan was to get up this morning, get breakfast and head to the store to pick out a new bike for him. We looked around but didn't see anything we liked so we got him a new train for his current collection and told him we would shop for bikes later.

After a BBQ at a friend's house, we made a trip to Toys R Us to check out their bike selection. After putting Andrew on several different ones, we realized it was OUR plan to get a bike, but not really HIS birthday wish. He just wasn't terribly interested--very capable but also very bored with it. So we asked him what he wanted.


We wandered through the store and, eventually, found our way to the train section. He immediately started playing with the display train table and was happy to just stay there. We debated on what to get him--more wooden tracks? More trains for his wooden set? More of the little motorized trains that don't require a track? Hmmmm...

We saw the Thomas the Train Table and choked at the price tag. We just couldn't justify $200 for a 3 year old's birthday present. So, we opted for the Imaginarium Train Table for a much cheaper $80.

THAT was jusitifiable when we calculated in the two gift cards he had received from family/friends and what we would have been spending on a bike & helmet for him.

"Andrew, would you like a train table in your bedroom?"
"Yes." He was very serious with his answer.

"Do you want to take a train table home?"
"Yes!" He reached for the box next to the display and heaved and grunted to pick it up.

"Daddy, help please! I want to take it home!"

So...Mark picked it up and headed to the check out. We headed home, the boys got it upstairs, started putting it together and, after bath time, it was train heaven!

Where was Tori during our table construction & play time?

She was happy to watch as long as she had refreshments! She headed to bed before the table was completed but I'm sure she'll take a turn sometime tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Cool train table! Good choice Andrew! I'm even excited to play with it on Thursday. :)

Carrie said...

NICE! =D That's a REALLY cool table!

I like how you changed your plans to fit his wants. What great parents he has -- as well as a super cool new toy! ;)

Mikaila said...

Love the big grin while he's helping Daddy carry it inside!!