Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A momma, her girl, a funeral, a few airports and some unexpected family time Part I

We made it home in time for dinner with our boys Thursday night--not CHRISTMAS dinner, but we managed a bite of Mexican Food at a restaurant on the way home. Christmas dinner came Saturday night when we had "Christmas" as a family.

BUT--how wonderful to have been "stranded" with family and not stuck in an airport like some people.

We left Wednesday morning and headed to Portland to fly out. We landed in Seattle, boarded our next flight and we were on our way to Sacramento where we met my dad who was driving through on his way from Reno to Grandpa's house in Tulare (about four hours from Sacramento). My daughter is amazing and such a great traveler! She played at the airport, ate when I offered her food, slept on the plane and in the car.

Then we got to Grandpa's and met up with my Aunt Joanie to start working on the "logistics" side of things. Grandpa had a lot of stuff. Books. Papers. Pictures. Plates...plates from everywhere in the world. He and Grandma collected them anytime they took a trip. I counted 86 plates on the walls and I know there were some stored in the cupboards. I brought four home with me from trips I remember taking with them.

BUT...enough words. Here's the first round of pics:

There was some unpacking and undressing...

There was some wearing of Great-Grandma's Christmas Apron...

...and Great-Grandma's Jewelry.

Then my cousin showed up and we played and ate snacks together.

And then I was tired and crashed out.

Next up: pics of the funeral. But first, because we're home we have some other stuff to work on. Dinner. Baths. PJ's. Stories. Bedtime.

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