Sunday, December 14, 2008

Walkin' in a winter wonderland...

For those of you who live somewhere that gets a lot of snow, bear with us. We hardly EVER get snow and its quite the novelty when it shows up! kiddos woke up to a light (very light) dusting of snow on the ground and got all sorts of excited about it. It has continued to snow throughout the day which means school cancelations are likely tomorrow. WAHOO!

Andrew: "Can you say snow?"

Andrew: "Good job! High Five!"

Andrew: "Now we watch the snow. Isn't it awesome?!"

And now we play in the snow!

Yes, Tori's gloves are too big and make her fingers look broken but it was the best I could do. This child INSISTS on wearing gloves JUST LIKE Andrew's and refused to leave the house without them. *heavy sigh* Oh well! Could be worse: she could refuse to wear gloves all together and then we would have freezing fingers. So I guess gloves that are too big are better than nothing!


RenoGamma said...

Yeh! Looks like you all were having a great time. Snow is so much fun when you know it will go away soon. (Am I showing my age?) It is rather sad when the snowman melts though.

Nikki said...

How fun! Don't worry about Tori's gloves. My boys both had on mittens that didn't even match. I knew the snow was coming, so I should have prepared...but nope, we were searching for gloves this morning. But we were happy we found enough to cover everyone's hands.

Carrie said...

LOVE IT! I'm a snow fan! Go play! (I just posted some pics on my blog of our first snow walk.) FUN!