Sunday, July 20, 2008

5 Years...I can't believe its already here!

Mark and I celebrated our 5th anniversary this weekend. We celebrated by going to Vegas! SO FUN! We shipped the kiddos off to Nana & Papa's house for three days and took off! It was great! We stayed out late, slept in (well, kinda), went for coffee, walked around and shopped for hours on end, slept by the beautiful pools at the hotel and pretty much just enjoyed being together without our kids for a few days. What a wonderful break it was!

In the mean time, the past five years have been busy and eventful for us. Not only did we get married, but we've managed two job losses (one each through a company sell), Mark finishing his bachelors AND his masters, two surprise babies, three deaths between the two families and six moves in two states.

The best part: I wouldn't change anything. We are happy. We are healthy and we have two beautiful children to celebrate life with.
Just after we got married:

Family pictures with Andrew:

Getting ready for Tori:

Our completed family:

Vegas! Headed home at the end of our vacation:

1 comment:

Carrie said...

And with all haven't changed much, appearance wise. =D Glad to hear y'all had such a wonderful trip!