Friday, January 30, 2009

25 for Friday!

I put this on my Facebook but it was kind of fun, so I thought I would put it on here, too!

RULE: Once you've been tagged you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose some friends tag! You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you.

1. Mark and I have been married for five years and have moved 6 times. In less than a month, we will move for the 7th time.
2. I have really big feet for my height (or lack there-of).
3. I'm very organized everywhere but in my own home.
4. Since I've been married, I've cleaned a bathroom MAYBE three times. Mark is good to me.
5. I find that, despite what might be considered "appropriate", most of my friends are guys. I don't deal well with other women and the "drama" that comes with them.
6. I hate the color pink but am learning to like it and use it thanks to my daughter.
7. When I was in high school I changed my nail polish every morning to match my outfit.
8. I love manicures but not pedicures. I don't like people touching my feet.
9. I've been a runner since I was 7.
10. I LOVE pictures and am borderline obsessed with photography.
11. I bought my wedding dress at a consigment shop for $200 but was told, by a bridal shop owner, it was worth more than $1200. Also, I chose my wedding ring and, when we went to pay for it, discovered it was on sale. It cost us $28.
12. I'm having a really hard time coming up with 25 things about me. I'm just not that interesting.
13. I love music but I can't sing at all--I'm almost totally tone deaf.
14. I was on a jump-rope team for, like, 5 years. I can still do some of the crazy tricks we used to do in our competitions.
15. I fractured my ankle during a cross country race in high school but it was taped for tendonitits, so I ran on it for another half mile before my coach pulled me out of the race. The doctor cast it a day later and I was out for the season. It was our first race of the year. I was devastated.
16. I hate paying full price for clothes, shoes, household stuff, but will fork over $3.80 for a mocha on an ALMOST daily basis. Yeah, figure that one out.
17. I hate math but I love to quilt--which is basically math with fabric and a sewing machine.
18. When I was younger, I wanted to be a lawyer or a journalist. Now I'm a mom and a receptionist at a chiropractic clinic which I think is WAY better than being a lawyer or a journalist!
19. I hate politics because I am very conservative but most of my friends are extremely liberal--makes it tough to have discussions about political stuff and remain friends.
20. I don't like diamonds or pearls.
21. When I found out I was preggers with Tori, I wanted a second boy. I wasn't excited about having a girl until about 7-8 months into my pregnancy with her.
22. My belly button has been pierced twice but the piercing got infected during both of my pregnancies and had to be taken out. I've considered getting it done a third time, but the last time I pierced it, I got pregnant with Tori. I'm not saying that was the reason, but can never be too careful. :) Plus, I would rather get a tattoo.
23. I've had fermented mare's milk (think: REALLY sour milk mixed with REALLY strong Vodka) for a "snack" in Outer Mongolia. It was one of those, "its rude not to" kind of things and a BIG deal to the host of the family. My husband's sister-in-law, my brother, and my mom have had the same experience. So have several of my friends.
24. I'm 28 and have been recently mistaken for my daughter's teenage sister--the nurse who questioned it told me she thought I was 13 or 14. She was SHOCKED when I showed her my ID and gave her the go ahead on Tori's flu shot.
25. When I was in high school, one of my best friends was 6'09" and I was chewed out by a tall girl at a coffee shop for "stealing" him from other tall girls. We never dated but have been mistaken for a married couple more than once when we traveled together. People who knew us in high school are SHOCKED we are not married. We laugh--we love eachother but would drive eachother CRAZY if we were married.

I tag Jessica (Beaver Bunch Momma!), Carrie, Stacy, Nikki, Lisa "Little Miss Sunshine" Newton and whoever else wants to do it!

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

#15- I am soooo with you on that one!