Sunday, January 11, 2009

I would call that success!

Yesterday afternoon we had a lunch thing with a group of friends (see previous post titled "Mongolia!") and Tori REFUSED to wear a pull up or a diaper. She wanted to wear her big girl undies and that was that. So I shrugged my shoulders and rolled with it. Well, that, and a purse equipped with a spare outfit and plastic bag *just in case*.

We were gone for over two hours and I asked her, twice, if she needed to go potty. Once, she said yes and we headed to the bathrooms. But she immediately changed her mind after seeing the public restroom toilet. I was disappointed, but understood and just braced myself for the inevitable accident.

On top of the length of time we were gone, was the fact that it was the middle of nap time and I was dragging her into a restaurant and asking her to be social with complete strangers!

After we said our goodbyes, she melted down as we were getting in the car and started yelling, "Poo-Poo!!! I need to poo-poo!" Greeeeeaaat.

I tried to talk her through it knowing we lived only two minutes away. We pulled into our parking space, I undid the carseat straps on both kids and we ran, full speed ahead, up the stairs and into the apartment. Both kiddos thought it was hilarious! I got her in the house and she was still dry! Ran to the bathroom, set her on the potty and she went....and went......and went some more! All three of us did the victory dance, clapped our hands and had our M&M's as a reward. I even rewarded Andrew and I for running so fast to get her upstairs.

Yay for dry unders, fast running and M&M's!


Carrie said...

Absolutely fantastic! =D CONGRATS! Ahhhhhhhhh that must feel so wonderful! (I wouldn't know.) ;D

YAY for Tori!!!!

Lani said...

Its like a magic window of opportunity you have to find. Well, that, or its the M&M's and kickin' unders. I have no idea which! :)

gimpajon aka Hubby Honey said...

Yea for Tori, and yea for fast running Andrew and Mom! Got to love those M&M's