Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Some things are worth jumping up and down about!

We have had a VERY blessed week...

It started with a wonderful weekend away to the coast for Mark's birthday. We walked on the beach, we shopped, we ate at nice restaurants and enjoyed time together while our kiddos enjoyed time with Nana & Papa. I gave Mark a guitar for his birthday because he showed an interest in taking lessons and learning to play. Its beautiful and he loves it!

Then we came home and I got a call at work Monday from the landlord of an adorable little house with a HUGE backyard that we had looked into. They want us to rent it!! YAY! We move on March 1st. Its less square footage than we're in right now, but has more of what we're looking for when it comes to the kiddos. First: its a house and not an apartment--the benefits there are pretty obvious. Second: it has a 1/2 acre fenced backyard with a covered patio and huge tree and space for a garden. I'm going to become the mom that says, "Put your coats & shoes on! You're going outside to play!" Third: they recently remodeled several things (including the bathroom!) and put in a kickin' new fridge. Yes, I'm a dork, but I'm *REALLY* excited about this fridge. Fourth: the family that owns this house is really nice and they were so willing to work with us on the money side of things. Now its time to get packin'!! I can't wait!

And then last night, we started up with another round of swimming lessons for Andrew and he swam on his own! YAY! He was like a little froggy in the water! I was so proud!


Carrie said...

HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Definitely worth jumping up and down and being REALLY excited about! That is SO AWESOME!

RenoGamma said...

A house versus an apartment? A house wins every time. Hope things work out and the move goes smoothly.