Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh no...

I was feeling really motivated today and doing some laundry. Andrew decided to "help" when he threw in a pair of my jeans and I forgot to check the pockets.

Washed my cell phone. When we were transferring wet clothes to the dryer(Andrew likes to "help" with that part, too) we saw the cell phone in the bottom of the washing machine and Andrew said, "Look, Momma! Your phone had a bath!"

Yes, yes it did. Good observation, Andrew. *sigh*

Rumor has it, if you soak a cell phone and its battery in a mixing bowl full of rice, it will dry out and work 24 hours later. My phone and battery are currently "rice bathing" for the next day. Pray for full recovery. I really don't want to have to buy a new phone. Its so NOT something we budgeted for this month!


Carina said...

My mom's "washed" her's twice and she found that if you open it up and then put it in a dry ice packet for a few days it works. Maybe the rice does the same thing.

The Beaver Bunch said...

Oh no! Hope the rice thing works. Lemme know, I'm forever dropping mine in water or spit up or the garbage disposal....

Lani said...

The garbage that sounds like an interesting story!

Anonymous said...

I dropped mine in a bleach bucket once. I got my boss at BBR to pay me $50 since it was a "work related" incident :p