Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday 13

13 things that made me smile this week:

1. Andrew had a successful trip to the pool yesterday and came away excited to return to swimming lessons next week!

2. My hubby. He just makes me laugh with all his stories about his students.

3. It started out being a bit of a rough week at work but, I think, will smooth out a little bit today.

4. Reading M.O.M.'s post about her meeting regarding their son "Baby D." God is good. You should read it.

5. Tori is using the potty almost every time she has to pooh. WAHOO!

6. Coffee. Coffee just makes me happy.

7. I was delivering a Mocha to Mark at school (middle school) and was mistaken for a student. "Excuse me, young lady, what class are you supposed to be in?" "My husband's Science class." SO FUNNY when that happens. Going to be 28 this weekend and I got mistaken for a 12 year old. NICE!

8. I got my nails done Monday and the gal who did them actually understood what I meant when I said, "I need them short. I type at work." Yay!

9. One of the patients at the clinic brought us sunflowers from his garden. They're just so cheery!

10. Tori hugged me last night and said, "I got momma!"

11. Andrew said, "Momma, I sorry I threw a fit. I will try not to next time you say no."

12. Our favorite park is (finally) open again after Summer construction and I took the kids twice so far this week. We'll probably go again tomorrow!

13. My birthday is coming up. WAHOO!

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