Saturday, October 18, 2008

*Deep Breaths* He's 3. He's not REALLY a brat. He's 3. Right?

This is Andrew:

He's three. He's busy and curious and 100% boy. But he's also a brat right now and I am trying everything I can to keep my sanity.

"Please go put your cars away before we eat dinner."

"NO! I don't want to!"

We have tried time-outs.
We have tried loss of privileges.
We have tried spanking.

We have tried EVERYTHING (it feels like!) and he STILL does it. Ideas? Advice?

We are consistent--very. We try really hard not to let him get away with it but there are days where I feel like he spends the ENTIRE day in his time out corner or in his room. Its been going on for weeks and I AM SICK OF IT.

What happened to my sweet little boy who used to always respond with, "O-tay, momma"...

And this was Tori today as we were leaving the park. She LOVES the park.


The Beaver Bunch said...

This too shall pass. I have one, but he's 2. I remember when Elizabeth went through this phase. In the midst of it, it seems as though it lasts forever.

In hindsight, it didn't last that long.

Try, "To Train Up A Child" by Michael and Debi Pearl. I don't agree with all of the book, but the basics are good.

Mikaila said...

That Tori face is SO SAD!

One thing my parents used with me was sticker charts. I was rewarded with a sticker when I DID obey and after so many stickers I got a reward. (Ten stickers = new toy or ice cream with a parent or something).

Also, are you interested in a pair of boys cowboy boots that are somewhere between a size 9 and size 11? (I can't remember what they are right now.) I bought Jordan a new pair yesterday and he's outgrown the old ones. Andrew is welcome to them!

Mikaila said...

Ironically, here's another idea that I just read on one of the blogs I follow:

"I call them "Cooperative Cards." They are crudely drawn stars on scraps of paper. There are 12 of them, and she is awarded all 12 each morning, held onto by me. Throughout the day, cards are taken away for uncooperative behavior. At the end of the day, we sit down and count the cards, talk about how many remain and how many were removed. For each of the remaining cards, she is allowed one book at bedtime."

Obviously you could change the reward to be anything you wanted it to be!

I hope something works for you. Bratty days are NO FUN.

Kati said...

Oh my friend...we are there too! Back talk, big time! We've done the same...time outs, spankings, loss of privelages, and I want to scream! A couple of times, I'm sure I have screamed at the little "monster"...oh, I mean "darling, loveable, always cooperative, little boy!" Anyways, glad to know we're not the only ones, and hopefully you know you're not the only ones either.

It's so hard when you do everything "right", and you're consistent, and the behavior still exists! Ahh...what gives? I find myself on my knees with the lord various times throughout the day, and I keep reminding myself that he won't give me challenges that together he and I can't make it through!

Good suggestions Mikaila...I'll have to try some of those!

gimpajon aka Hubby Honey said...

1st picture: that is not a brat that is his mom in a past life!(you don't want me to bring that up do you?) The last picture, OH my what a sad girl, wants to play some more at the park, HOW COULD YOU BE SO MEAN, after all she just wants to play outside! Love you Dad