Sunday, October 5, 2008


Update #1: I had kittens the other day over a medical record at my office. The good news is that the company who originally requested the 677 page file and then said they didn't want it, called back saying, "Wait a second--we really do want that."

The bad news: I had already shredded it and had to spend another three hours copying it again.

Okay--just kidding. It wasn't shredded so we're sending it off to them along with their happy little bill. WAHOO!

Update #2: I spent an afternoon making Tori's Halloween costume and was mucho excited about it. Then she woke up from her nap and I showed it to her and she freaked out.


Ran down the hall, arms in the air, screaming mee-mee type freak-out. Seriously. I did manage to finally get it on her, but the result was NOT what I was hoping for. She pulled at it, turned beet-red in the face and screamed until I took it off.

The funny part is that its not what you're probably thinking. You're probably thinking, "Lani must've made her an animal costume of some kind. And it's a sleeper-type thing with a hood that has a spot for the face of the animal. So, of course Tori might freak out over a faceless animal when Lani shows it to her."

Nope. Its a tu-tu. A poofy, pretty, blue & white netting tu-tu. This child LOVES dresses. LOVES them. So I thought making her a ballerina for Halloween was a GREAT idea! No such luck.

I tried showing her pictures of babies (which she loves) in ballerina costumes on the internet. She sat with me, squealed over the babies (BEEE-BEEEES!!!) and clapped her hands. Then I said, "Look! Babies in tu-tus! Pretty babies in pretty tu-tus! Like your tu-tu!" and held up her pretty blue and white tu-tu. She screamed and pushed it away.


Maybe I'll make her a faceless animal type sleeper of some kind...


Carrie said...

That's hilarious!!!! Poor you though. I hate getting all excited about something I think is SO CUTE for Joshua only to have him brush it off or, worse yet, loudly declare his intolerance for it.


RenoGamma said...

Lani, I'm SOOOO sorry! The pictures were sure cute though. Maggie did that to me once. I never sewed for her again. I'm sure Tori will love the next thing you make for her, so don't get discouraged.

gimpajon aka Hubby Honey said...

OK, a little slow on the shreeding comment, I had to pick Gamma up before she headed North!