Thursday, April 17, 2008

It was one of THOSE days...

Today started last night at about 11:30. Tori has picked up whatever crud Andrew had over the weekend and was not about to let any of us sleep. I even tried putting her in the car and driving her all over creation for over an hour. She screamed the entire way. I brought her back home (it was after 1 AM at that point) and Mark managed to get her to sleep around 2 or 3 I think. She was up again at 6:15. She's been super clingy all day and wouldn't let me out of her sight and rarely let me put her down. I managed (after LOTS of coaxing) to convince both kids they needed to take naps at the same time. I sat down briefly to catch my breath and then got up again and worked on a few things.

We ran some errands this afternoon and came home. Mark is in Wilsonville at a track meet until well after 8:00, which means Momma is on her own for the bedtime routine. *sigh* That's not too bad. Dinner, baths, pj's, stories and Tori's bottle and Andrew's bedtime hugs and kisses.

Well, I got dinner going. I took a phone call, heard the kids giggling and thought to myself, "That's such a nice sound! I love it when the kids play together!"

I came back into the dining room and they were having a food fight. Andrew taught Tori how to fling her food at him. And he would fling food back at her. My walls were covered. My floor was covered. Some of my picture frames were covered. I was FURIOUS.

I got them both out of their seats and into the tub. I was washing the table, walls, picture frames, floors, chairs and...whatever else was covered in veggies and noodles when Andrew yells, "MOMMA!!! I POOPED!!!" I ran to the bathroom and, sure enough, he and Tori were sitting in poopy tub water. He's potty trained and this has never been a problem for us, so I'm all confused. But then I realize he's still going and can't stop and its diarrhea. In the tub. With Tori.

I grab both kids out of the water and head for our bathroom down the hall. I get the water going, get the kids soaped up and tell them to sit tight while I go get their towels (lesson learned: I will now and forever more keep towels in our bathroom). I'm grabbing their towels when Andrew yells, "MOMMA! Sister pooped!"


Two kids. One food fight. Two bathtubs. Two poopies. And only two hands to deal with it all. Both kids are fed. Dinner is cleaned up. Both kids are bathed (about three times each!!). Both tubs are cleaned, all the toys are bleached and floors are mopped.

Is it bedtime yet?


Carrie said...

Oh. WOW! I'm laughing and I feel SO BAD for you! I'm hoping you are laughing too at that point. I would have been beyond furious also and utterly beside myself with the poop.

WOWzers what an evening! Here's to sleep and lots of it!

Lani said...

Yes--I am laughing about it now! But man-oh-man...I was NOT happy when I was going through it! I called Mark on the cell phone and informed him he owes me HUGE for tonight! :) HA!

The Beaver Bunch said...

Oh my word! I have totally been there. My kids usually respond one of two ways to poop in the tub:

1. Freak out and start screaming at the top of their lungs, and try to get away from the poop.

2. Try to grab it and play with it.

Either way, poop in the tub is poop in the tub. And like you said, it makes for a whole lot of clean up, and 1 very frustrated mommy.

I hope they slept good and you got some rest!

Carina said...

Oh man! I'm glad you can laugh at it. I imagine it's never fun when you're in the middle of it, but what a great story to use in the future! Hope you got some great sleep.

Kati said...

Huh...One of THOSE days indeed! I'm crying I'm laughing so hard...only cause it wasn't me of course!!!