Thursday, April 3, 2008

Updates and Pictures

1. Tricia's surgery is done! She has new lungs and now has to work on recovery. I don't know more than that, so check it out!

2. Still waiting to hear back on a few applications...

3. Andrew's cough is settling down. He's had a slight fever, but nothing drastic. Hopefully it stays that way!


We did some more potato stamping and he loved it! This time, we threw in some carrots, too! I was making a pot roast and thought, why not!?

How quickly they pick up on things...she was walking around the house jabbering away on my phone.


Carina said...

That's too cute! I love the phone. She's taking after you and Madre.

Mikaila said...

Actually, the part about WALKING around the house it what gets me! :o)