Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Some things to pray for...

Just a quick post with some prayer requests:

1. If you haven't read it, check out and start praying for her lung transplant and for the doner's family. This is huge! I don't know them, but I do read their blog every single day and I pray for them constantly.

2. I'm applying for a couple of part-time jobs to supplement our income and pay down our debt. Please pray something will come up SOON!

3. Andrew has ANOTHER cough. No fever (yet) and he seems to be acting like himself for now so I'm not too worried. However, after our last go-round with Bronchitis and Pneumonia, I'm probably a little more on edge than I would like.

4. Mark has started coaching track! Its great--he loves it--the kids love him--but we can always use prayer for energy, patience, wisdom and a good season!

More fun stuff coming later with some pictures! We did some more "potato stamping" but we used carrots, too! So fun!

1 comment:

Mikaila said...

I will be praying!!

My mom heard of one trick that people have sworn works to cure a cough.

Rub Vick's on the bottom of Andrew's feet before bed, then put socks on him. In the morning the cough will be loads better, if not gone! I've never tried it but I've heard from people that it does wonders.