Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Some days are harder than others!

But today has been an especially good day. My kiddos are not quite two years apart which can make for some pretty hectic days. There are days when I think I'm not going to manage and then there are days like today where it all seems to work out! Tori was getting frustrated with a toy and, rather than fix it for her, I decided to let her figure it out. But then Andrew said, "Here, Tori...like this!" And HE helped her. I love it when that happens!

1 comment:

The Beaver Bunch said...

How far apart are your kids? Mine are 22 months. My oldest gets REALLY frustrated when the twins want to play with her stuff. Other times, she's so patient and shows them how to do things, like what you said. Times like that make it all worthwhile, don't they?