Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I have to brag just a little...

My "Proud Mommy Moments"

1. We went to play group today and more than one mommy told me Andrew was "delightful" and "well behaved" and "so sweet!" He did do well--he listened and shared all the toys!

2. Andrew shared "Football" (his security blanket) with Tori when she was upset today. He was especially proud when she nuzzled it, drooled on it and then wouldn't let go. He pointed to her and said, "Andrew made Tori happy!"

3. Andrew said he was "sorry", without being asked, when he ran over Jose at play group today.

4. Andrew was the only child to say "please" and "thank you" during snack time at play group today. The other mommies were all very impressed--some were even a little chagrined!

5. Tori smiled and giggled at all the mommies at play group.

My NOT-so-Proud Mommy Moment today:

Andrew had a little accident at play group today and, noticing the wet spot spreading across the front of his pants, loudly declared, "I PEED! I PEED!" A 4 year old, who has been potty trained for quite a while, said, "I can do that too!!!" and promptly wet himself. And then Manuel, who is 3 and potty trained, said, "Me again!" and wet his pants. Fortunately, I had a change of clothes for Andrew. Christian & Manuel have been potty trained long enough their mommies don't need to bring clothes for them. *sigh* They were laughing about it, but I think they were a little irritated that Andrew would start this trend. Hopefully next week will go more smoothly...


Kati said...

Isn't it nice when other moms comment on your children. It makes you feel like all the hard work to help them become well behaved members of society is all worth it!

Take the credit for the little mans good manners...you deserve it!

Melody C. Bondurant said...

Oh, I love those days when it seems you may just be doing things right with this whole mommy-ing. I am certainly enjoying this stage with Justus. He always seems to suprise me with a good reason to smile...especially when I don't expect it!

Carrie said...

HAHAHA! Of course I got a thoroughly good laugh over everyone wetting themselves per Andrew's "suggestion." ah hem. haha!