Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Unpacking, cleaning & organizing

Ahhh...we are finally moved. I've had a couple of days to get things put away and am feeling a little more relaxed. Andrew has been a big "helper" and wants to put things away as much as he can. He'll open a box and say, "Mom? Where dis go? Put it away? Where is away?" He LOVES his new room--it is HUGE compared to the Stanfield house and he has all sorts of space to play and spread out all his toys. He's most excited about his train set he got for Christmas last year. We left it in storage because he wasn't interested in trains until recently. Now it is THE FAVORITE toy. I will hear him yelling from across the house, "Train!! CHOO-CHOOOO!!! CHOOOOO-CHOOOO!!!" He'll run over to me and say, "Mom! Stop cleaning! Play trains!" So I will take a break and play trains with him. As soon as Mark walks in the door from work, he's pulling at him and saying, "Trains! Play trains!"

Tori is adjusting well--she's sleeping in her own room in her crib (handed down from her big brother) and loves to hang out in her johnny-jump-up while I unpack. She's also recently learned how to roll over and is log rolling all over the house. Today I left her in the living room and, after starting a load of laundry, found her halfway down the hall with a huge grin on her face. She was so proud of herself! Silly girl!

Well, I'm at the library (yes, I was that desperate to check email and update my blog) and my time is almost up. Better scoot so the next guy can get online.

As always, I'll be on when I can!


Carrie said...

Congrats! =D I'm sure it feels grand.

J2 is interested in trains too. Thankfully (!?) we can see them from our front window. Whenever one passes he races to the window and gives us unintelligble commentary as long as the train is insight. I've been taking him outside to watch it from the front yard. It's really fun watching them get into something.

Have fun playing!

Kati said...

I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait to come visit and see your new pad!

Mikaila said...

Andrew needs to spend some time with my dad. :o) hee hee
I can't wait to see you guys again! He sounds like he's talking a LOT more than the last time I saw him. The last time I spent any real time with him was when Stacy and I visited in Stanfield and that was a long time ago!!!
Hugs all around!

Melody C. Bondurant said...

It must be the age because Justus loves trains as well. He doesn't have a toy one, but we drive past them all the time and he never fails to announce "toooo-chooo chain" and then spends the next five minutes repeating "tooo-chooo". Oh, they are such fun!!!