Sunday, August 12, 2007

We made it!

Well, we're moved to Canby. "Moved" as in our stuff is in the apartment. "Moved in"??? Not so much. We managed to get all our gear in the apartment and then we left for the night to stay at Mark's mom's house. And then we're headed to the coast this afternoon for the night at a beach house. Then we're home tomorrow night and Mark starts working on some painting projects with a friend of our's on Tuesday while I stay home and try to organize stuff and get us semi-settled. My goal is to get the kids' rooms mostly put together and get our room empty enough that I can set up our bed and get a feel for how we want things arranged. The biggest challenge? The kitchen--zilch for cupboard space. *sigh* Oh well--I do have a dishwasher! WAHOO! I would rather have a small kitchen with a dishwasher than the large kitchen in Stanfield without one. Whew! Life just got a bit easier!

Well, that's about all I have to report for now--off to the coast we go! :)

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