Thursday, August 30, 2007

Two year olds are fun...for the most part.

Most of the time Andrew is a good kid. But, he's two. Which means, just like other children, he can be a challenge. Today was one of those days...

He fought with me all morning.

"Andrew, pick up your blocks please." "NO!!" "Pick them up now please or you'll have a time out." "NO!"

He took a time out.

He got out of time out and I asked him to pick up the blocks. He did. Then he decided to dump them back out and throw them.

He took a time out.

He got out of time out, picked up the blocks, apologized for throwing them and then proceeded to take the lid off his milk cup (he recently discovered his great ability to do that) and dumped milk all over the kitchen floor.

He took a time out.

He got out of time out and cleaned up the spilled milk (yes, he did cry over his spilled milk! HA!). Then he played with Tori. Ahhh....there's the sweet little boy I know! And then he threw a stuffed football at her head.

He got a spanking AND took a time out.

The day just got worse from there...he colored on the kitchen chairs, he colored on the kitchen floor, he ate play-doh, he refused to nap and then, after falling asleep for a while got up way too early and threw a fit at Daddy's school in front of Daddy's new boss and co-workers. Yes, it was one of THOSE days...

Here's hoping tomorrow will be better. AH-HA! It WILL be better. I just rememebered Mark is home tomorrow. PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD!


Kati said...

yes, yes, yes...I know the feeling. Maybe Kallen sent Andrew his "let's give mommy a hard time" vibes!

Here's to having two (and almost two) year olds, and not going insane!!!

Mikaila said...

Ugh, days like that are HARD! I wish I could say those kinds of days go away, but in truth, they DO get easier.

Carrie said...

Ok ok ok I HAVE to laugh. MIKAILA! You haven't raised one yet. ;D So your advice is really funny.

Nevertheless, sorry Lani. Obviously I can't tell you its going to get easier either. But you can tell me this at some point in time. =D