Friday, August 3, 2007

A wonderful start to our busy weekend...

Today I was reminded of how blessed my children are. Not only do they have amazing family members in their lives who love & adore them, but they are blessed with amazing friends who might as well be family!

Today was our first day out at Bell Ranch for the church camp-out with Madre's church (mine and Mark's old church in Corvallis). There's plenty of grassy areas, dirt and a little swimming area nearby--Andrew was in heaven. The best part? He had people who played with him non-stop. Pa-pa Marv took him for a ride on his shoulders all over the campground and chased him across the grass and played with him in the dirt. Auntie Stacy helped him get dinner and played in the dirt with him some more. Carina played "volleyball" with him in the grass. All the while, Tori was being held and talked to and cuddled by these same people when they weren't with Andrew. I had people take my kiddos from me and say, "get your dinner...get a drink...take a seat...take a break....let me play with him...let me rock her...let me give her a bottle..." I had time to help set up while chatting with someone I didn't know that well and came away feeling closer to her. I had time to sit back and really ENJOY the fresh air.

Evening rolled around and the kiddos got tired. I brought them home and got Andrew a bath--he spent the entire ride home and the bedtime routine talking about his day. "Pa-pa Marv and Auntie (stacy) in the dirt with the trucks! My ball! Keena (carina) and the bolley (volley) ball! I ate hot dog for dinner! And chips! And water!" I kissed him goodnight, layed him down and he was asleep...

Tori cried the whole drive home but passed out as soon as I pulled her out of her carseat and layed her in her bed.

Both kids are tired but are also very, very blessed...

1 comment:

Mikaila said...

I SO wish I could have been there... your kids ARE very, very blessed.